Blognya Anak Fmipa

Anak Fmipa


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Faults eroor failures

Small faults are hard to find using random test

Random test visa dilakukan untuk test yang sederhana

Systematic vs random testing

Model based testing
Fungtional spesifikasi
Independensi testable feature
1. Representative value
2. Model
Test cases spesifikasi
Test case
Daru satu ke akhir brute Force testing

Systematic approach
Analisa spesifikasi
-identify ITFS
2. PARTItion category
Significant case's for each parameters
3. Determine constrain
- reduce size of test space
4. Write and process test specifications
- product test frame
5. Create test cases
6. Executed test case
7. Evaluate result

Fungtional spesifikasi

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